Bodypainting Festival 2010, presented by Kryolan, and it was the biggest bodypainting event ever. (Registred nations) The 18 meters long entrance area „Hall of Fame" consisted of 16.000 white balloons and was installed by our helpers under the guidance of Guido Verhoefen.
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The main days from 16th till 18th July ended with the awarding of the World Championship Titles named „World Bodypainting Awards" presented by Kryolan. The whole festival week offered a variety of program and highlights. . | |
The festival week started with the workshop and demonstration program within the scope of the WBF ACADEMY. The workshops took place from Monday to Thursday and covered the fields Bodypainting, Facepainting, Airbrush, Special Effects, Make up and theory of colours up to photography and lectures on the history of body art.
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Hundreds of participants took their chance to be inspired by the lecturers and to improve their skills. | |
Our sponsors and partners supported many of the workshops and therefore, we were able to offer a big variety of multifaceted workshop program. | |
A photo exhibition by the German photographer Georg Schmitt was held during the festival week in Gmünd. | |
The "Electronic Mountain Picnic" was a very special program highlight. Many bodypainting artists, their accompanying persons and our WBF Institute of Sound DJs took the gondola up the mountain Goldeck and enjoyed the music, barbecue lamatrecking and the view from 1900 meters down onto the beautiful region. | |
Filippo Ioco and Craig Tracy arranged an artist forum and spoke about their opinions on the themes of Fine Art and Bodypainting. Filippo and Craig went into the forest this time . Natur and bodies were put into scene along the untouched south bank of Lake Millstatt.
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The side events during the week were organised by the „WBF Institute of Sound". The WBF Institute of Sound Lounge "Point Bar" presented a daily music and entertainment program. This was a meeting point for artists, photographers, models and other participants, and a great possibility to meet old friends and make new ones.
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The first big highlight was held on Wednesday evening. The amazing fantasy ball „BodyCircus" took place in the castle Burg Sommeregg. The castle was converted into a mystical place that was awoken by masks and constumes.
Photo Geoff Pegler | |
The weather was great the whole night and the visitors partied on in the rambling walls of the old castle till early morning. | |
The DJ Line Up was let by our WBF resident DJ and producer Matt Emulsion from Londonon the ForceFM floor, supported by Stuntman Lee, MC Tonik, Slim Bubba and Steve D. The "Ministry of Sound" floor offered the headliners Shane Kehoe and Gareth Cooke. 8 Austrian DJs played on the Lords of House floor under the guidance of Udo Moritz.
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Special Shows at the BodyCircus 2010 were arranged by Photo Geoff Pegler | |
The last guests partied on in the ruins of castle Sommeregg till dawn.
Photo E. Harder - BodyCircus Location | |
The "PreGlow" with the "Portfolio Night" was held Thursday evening. This was a meeting point for artists in an easy-going atmosphere to exchange thoughts and ideas and to offer insights to interested people into each world of bodypainting. | |
The winners of the World Bodypainting PHOTO Award 2009 were awarded that night. Alex Barendregt and Ulf Scherling commited the glas trophies to the winners of the photo competition 2009, Peter Kemp from the Netherlands in the category "Photo Classic" and Rudolf Christian from Austria in the category Digital Art. Furthermore, the "World Bodypainting Model of the Year" Jay Cloud from Canada was awarded. | |
WBF presenter and showmaster Markus Schenkeli did an amazing job during the festival main days and was leading the audience through the intense festival program. | |
The themes 2010 were on the first 2 main days "Sub Cultures" and on Sunday, the final day, "Sources of Power". | |
Friday, the first main day, started with the category Special Effects Make up and the preliminary round to the World Award in the category brush/sponge. | |
The festival venue was expanded by the Denon DJ Music Hall. This was the centre for electronic music offering DJ gigs, the ForceFM DJ competition and the Ministry of Sound Night. Workshops and photo lectures by Nikon and Adobe were held there. Also, the Fine Art Gallery by Filippo Ioco, Emma Hack and Michael Rosner could be viewed. | |
While the audience was waiting for the first model presentations, the jury was already judging the different art works. The internationally renowned jury, here on the photo together with our helpers, consisted of: Ernst Wieser (A), Einat Dan (Israel), Dennis Penkov (Germany), Craig Tracy (USA); Sarah Bull (Australia) Filippo Ioco (USA) and Jinny (Canada). | |
The video crew of "Bodypaint City TV" consists by now of 24 people. Thanks to the support of Red Bull as a co-production the whole TV broadcasting was lifted onto a very high level. 5 high definition cameras with a camera crane, a helicoptercam and funk cameras were used. The finished clips are offered via web and satellite, and are cutted as reviews on a daily basis. | |
Another innovation was the production of the 3D clip that will show a new prespective of the World Bodypainting Festival. | |
Prior to the awarding of the UV World Awards, „Culcha Candela" made the audience dance with their extraordinary music.
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After the performance of Culcha Candela the stage became dark again. The World Fluoro Awards were on the program. 14 chosen artists could present their ideas in the UV competition. Again, it was a unique show arranged by international artists. The awarding of the winners and the World Champion titles took place straight away. Photo: Geoff Pegler | |
The exhibition area consisted of the most important products of the body- and facepainting industry. This area was open for artists and visitors from 10.30 - 20.00. | |
In between the World Awards, the categories „Facepainting", presented by Snazaroo, and the Amateur Award, presented by „Mehron", were held. | |
After the main presentations and in between the performance of Loonaloop from Australia, the sensational BodyArt Fashion Show „Create your own reality" under the guidance of Karala B. was in the centre of attention. | |
In each culture and age, rules were established and broken by precursors, visionaries and artists in order to create new realities. The following female bodyart artists were involved in the BodyArt Fashion Show and intepretated the theme.
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Our sponsors like Segafredo or Pago were also influenced by the bodypainting fiever. | |
The photo area of the World Photo Award was the hot spot during the whole festival main days.
Photo Michael Hartmann
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Visitors were styled up with Crazy Hair by Uschi and Meinrad Froschin in the Styling Zone. There was also held a demonstration and possibilities for professional hair extensions by the company Brennig. Interested visitors took the chance to get professional photos by the photographer Joachim Bergauer in the Model Sedcard Photo Shooting tent.
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The institute for art exchange & art therapy was presented at the World Bodypainting Festival for the first time. Friday till Sunday from 14.00 till 17.00 Univ. Prof. Dr. Karin-Sophie Richter-Reichenbach showed examples of her art work.
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The Kryolan VIP Lounge was the meeting point for guests from politics, economy, media and art.
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Sunday was the final day of the World Bodypainting Festival 2010. The World Champions were awarded in the categories brush/sponge, airbrush and special effects bodypainting. The best artists of the world have presented their bodypainting art works. | |
Prior to the model presentations, Dr. Alban had a great performance. | |
The WBF Fashion Department presented 3 fashion shows this year: Lisa Pek presented her new collection on Friday. The BodyArt Fashion Show "Create your own reallity" on Saturday and the show by the "International Stylist School of Biruta Magele" from Riga was on stage on Sunday. | |
Alex Barendregt closed another chapter of the Bodypainting story. He said goodbye to Seeboden as the future home of the World Bodypainting Festival. The message was to explore the new and to safe the learned. | |
The end and the start of a new „Bodypainting Year" was welcomed by the perfect and musically synchronized fire works organised by the European Champion in fire works Christian Czech. | |
The after show party held in the Denon DJ Music Hall was again the craziest party worldwide when Sebastian Langer from Kryolan took out the bodypainting colours. The party came to an end at 4.00 in the morning. Who did not have any colour in the face or on the body simply missed to show up at the party. | |
The WBF crew is looking forward to seeing you again next year. | |